Apply to the

Zoé Experience

23-25 November, 2023

Slow-ness, Kibbutz Moran

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In a world of accelerating technology and artificial intelligence, it is even more important to connect to what makes us humans

We are hosting a three-day experience for 70 hand-picked leaders, creators and visionaries; Who are invited to cultivate deep connections to themselves, each other and nature.

It’s a playground for curiosity, self-discovery, and the cultivation of deep relationships. whether through immersive experiences or thought-provoking discussions.

A space where individuals can truly be themselves, free from judgment and masks, and where lasting friendships and powerful alliances are formed.

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The Essence

Where Genuine Connection Ignites Change

Genuine Connections

In a world of AI and rapid tech advancement, where social gaps are at their peak, Zoé simply calls us to connect in person.

man speaking at dinner - value alignment

Aligning with
the Heart of the Matter

How would a world based on deep connection with oneself, each other and nature, look like?

What are the fundamental values we care about?

Coordinating for Impact

Synergy is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Let's create a shared story of values and real trust.

How can we support each other in creating a more beautiful and just world?

Early Bird Offer

The Zoé Experience


Discover three days of growth, connection, and rejuvenation at our retreat.

Participation includes all essentials for the retreat, including nourishing meals, comfortable lodging, and engaging workshops.

The cost of participating is ₪ 4200 (For early birds).

What to expect?

Join 70 remarkable individuals
For 3 days of navigation between deep connection activities and intellectual conversations.

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sound healing - deep connection

Soften our Heart

Deep Connection

Together we embark on meditative sound journeys, hike through the wonders of nature, breathwork, and engage in deep conversation within small groups, questing deeper into the mysteries of the self.

Sitting at dinner - Elysium

Awaken our Senses


Radical playfulness awaits, where curiosity is encouraged, courage is fostered, and freedom is found through presence and simplicity.

Every moment is an invitation to embrace the beauty and harmony accessible through birth-given technology. Our Senses.

man standing on stage holding a flag - symposium
Open our Mind


Open your mind and share your thoughts, as we convene in an unconference-style circles on the most intriguing challenges and opportunities of our world.

The topics covered range from emerging trends and technologies to social issues and personal development.

"...During the weekend, I met amazing individuals, to being with, I only learned their name, and as the weekend developed, I learned more about their nature, their dreams, their fears, their work and even more, I learn about our shared nature, shared dreams, shared fears and life experiences, and about the potential impact, together, on the world.

This weekend was a lot about the community, but not less, it was a lot about myself, my journey, my being vs. my doing. It was magical.

It is amazing what a 3-day retreat can do, and how beautiful and meaningful connections can be formed, for life. I only wish I had the chance to meet and connect with all the amazing individuals that were with us. But I know Zoe just started, and I look forward to many future opportunities for that.
Thank you for that."

Ifat Bechor

Ifat Bechor

Chief Executive Officer, Unistream

“Participating in Zoe was transformational. Over the course of a weekend, the team facilitated us through very thoughtful and groundbreaking experiences.

I have built new friendships and new partnerships to co-create and contribute to a more positive world moving forward.

I highly recommend attending this amazing experience for anyone in a leadership role and anyone who is working to impact the world.”

Eran Sandhaus profile picture testimonial

Eran Sandhaus

Co-Founder & Managing Partner, J-Impact

"It was a blast and a fantastic experience!

The event took place in a stunning venue, and the atmosphere and the crowd were incredible. I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people from various fields and share ideas and experiences with them.

I was touched to hear the stories and experiences of each participant and learn from them.

I highly recommend anyone looking for an interesting and beneficial experience to participate in "Zoe".

I'm confident that you will have an amazing time just like I did!"


Golan Bar Yosef,

Editor-In-Chief, Maariv

“Over the course of the weekend, I had the privilege of meeting extraordinary individuals who opened up to me about their innermost nature, dreams, fears, and life experiences. Through these heartfelt conversations, I discovered a profound sense of shared connection, realizing how our collective dreams, fears, and experiences can shape the world in remarkable ways.

The focus of the weekend was not only on the community itself but also on my personal journey and self-discovery. It was a transformative experience that allowed me to delve into the depths of my being, exploring the balance between who I am and what I do.

Thank you for that."

Ifat Bechor

Ifat Bechor

Chief Executive Officer, Unistream

“Participating in Zoe was transformational. Over the course of a weekend, the team facilitated us through very thoughtful and groundbreaking experiences.

I have built new friendships and new partnerships to co-create and contribute to a more positive world moving forward.

I highly recommend attending this amazing experience for anyone in a leadership role and anyone who is working to impact the world.”

Eran Sandhaus profile picture testimonial

Eran Sandhaus

Co-Founder & Managing Partner, J-Impact

"It was a blast and a fantastic experience!

The event took place in a stunning venue, and the atmosphere and the crowd were incredible. I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people from various fields and share ideas and experiences with them.

I was touched to hear the stories and experiences of each participant and learn from them.

I highly recommend anyone looking for an interesting and beneficial experience to participate in "Zoe".

I'm confident that you will have an amazing time just like I did!"

Golan Bar Yosef

Golan Bar Yosef,

Editor-In-Chief, Maariv


Slow.ness vision is to invite people to slow down, retreating from the regular daily routine.

Formally opened in 2022, Slowness is a unique resort in Kibbutz Moran, in the Galilee of Israel.

It offers simple and elegant rooms with rich natural surroundings.

Slow-ness, Kibbutz Moran


Chef Nitay Yahalom serves fresh and vibrant dishes made from local and seasonal fresh products from the nearby farms and fish from nearby Acre port town.

Early Bird Offer

The Zoé Experience


Discover three days of growth, connection, and rejuvenation at our retreat.

Participation includes all essentials for the retreat, including nourishing meals, comfortable lodging, and engaging workshops.

The cost of participating is ₪ 4200 (For early birds).


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring with me?
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  1. Open mind and curiosity: Come with an open mind, a willingness to engage, and a curiosity to explore new ideas and perspectives.
  2. Comfortable clothing: Dress comfortably and according to the weather conditions. We recommend wearing layers to adjust to different temperature settings. Don't forget to bring swimwear if you wish to enjoy the pool, hot tub and sauna facilities.
Who will be attending this event?
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There will be creators, visionaries and leaders. They will range between artists, tech executives, philosophers, venture capitalists, philanthropists and more.

Will food & accommodations be provided for participants?
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Your participation includes three delightful meals daily. During registration, you’ll have the opportunity to select from a variety of accommodation types to suit your preferences

What is the purpose of The Zoé Experience?
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The Zoé Experience is designed to explore the potential of a cooperative future, integrating technology and shared human values to create a more harmonious world.

Are Zoé Experiences open to the general public?
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No, Zoé Experiences are exclusive, invite-only events.

How long is the the Zoé Experience?
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It starts on Monday (16th) at 10:00 AM and ends on Tuesday (17th) at 16:00 PM.